Friday, August 12, 2011

First kiss screwed up! now what?

Text him and get together this summer. But when you hang the next time, make sure you guys do it the right way. It's not that hard.

Is this bullying? What should I do?

Avi is right. Get on with your life and don't try to be friends with them - you can never stop bullying by being nice to the bully.

What is wrong with me?

You sound perfectly normal. Just arrange for very short visits with people and always have an escape plan. When I used to go to parties I never went with anyone else, I always had my own car to make a getaway at the appropriate time.

Best place to get a tattoo within 200 miles of Norfolk, NE, or close to Colorado Springs?

I'm looking to get a tattoo of a old tree, something like the tree of life where the roots spread out farther than the canopy, and would like to know where the best place to get this type of tattoo would be. I also want to get the word "Persevere" and a bible verse sort of etched into the tree, like someone took a knife and carved the words into it. The tattoo would be on my left shoulder. Any help would be appreciated, this is my first tattoo and I'd like it to be a good experience and something I'll remember forever. Thanks!

Do you think this is a good description of the invention of movies?

Is this aimed for young children? If so, it's a great description, although I must say Kubrick's Clockwork Orange is a strange choice for an example...

Is this a good love poem?'ve given me new ideas for my poems. I really like your style of writing. It makes me realize how far I am from being this good. Thank you for the inspiration.

Rash over my babies body...?

Over the last week or so my baby has been developing small red spots over her upper body. its rising slighly up to her face. its not itchy, or oozing just a little risin. the weather has been rather warm lately. my HV said it could be eczema but shes not got it in elbow or knee creases... in your opinion what could this be?